Special offers

Planets of the Little Prince

Planets of the Little Prince

€46.00 €36.00

Handcrafted aged melchior necklace-medallion, decorated with bronze granules. This substantial piece is perfect for a woman who loves unique jewelry. An excellent accessory for any occasion.

  • Pendant size 5 cm (1.97 inch)
  • Length of natural leather 57 cm (22.44 inch)
  • -€10.00
Medallion of Melchior

Medallion of Melchior

€46.00 €36.00

Handcrafted aged melchior necklace-medallion, decorated with bronze granules. This bold piece is perfect for a woman who loves unique jewelry. An excellent accessory for any occasion.

  • Pendant size 5 cm (1.97 inch)
  • Length of natural leather 56 cm (22.05 inch)
  • -€10.00